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 Final Fantasy XV

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Age : 31
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PostSubject: Final Fantasy XV   Final Fantasy XV Icon_minitimeTue Apr 05, 2016 5:56 pm

So, I know no one ever comes on here anymore, but I figured I'd keep with tradition and post updates, anyway.

Final Fantasy XV just got a release date, last Friday: 30 September, 2016.
It's also getting an anime and a couple (free) demos are already out. I, myself, managed to grab a copy of the Ultimate Collector's Edition (only 30,000 units being made =D).
Below, you'll find the link to the newest trailer, the first episode of the anime, and a pre-order straight from the SE website.

FINAL FANTASY XV - Reclaim Your Throne Trailer

Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV - Episode 1 (Before The Storm)

PRE-ORDER THIS SHIT!! body is ready.
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Posts : 2076
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Age : 31
Location : Hell

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PostSubject: Re: Final Fantasy XV   Final Fantasy XV Icon_minitimeTue Apr 05, 2016 5:59 pm

Also, I'm keeping the "Final Fantasy Versus XIII" thread up, because it's cool to look back and acknowledge how XV was fortunate enough to be able to release itself from being attached to the massive pile of money milking shit that was Final Fantasy XIII.
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