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 Neku/Shiki Support

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Neku/Shiki Support Empty
PostSubject: Neku/Shiki Support   Neku/Shiki Support Icon_minitimeSat Feb 27, 2016 12:29 am

Well, this part of the forum is definitely new.

So, who else is hoping to see world-specific characters return as support characters in KH3D:FM? It would feel SO GOOD to fight with Neku and Shiki as partners! I know that kinda kills off the purpose of fighting with Dream Eaters, entirely, but then again, it wouldn't be unheard of for the REMixes to cut out major parts of gameplay, just because.

Looking at you, Mirage Arena.

Anywho, if they don't do that in REMix 2.8, they'll most likely put it in KHIII, since TWEWY's appearance gave the entire fanbase a collective nerdgasm.
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